Sunday, October 26, 2008

1st Baby Shower

I had my first baby shower that my mom and sister had for me back home. It was great to see some friends and family that I don't get to see very often. I got a lot of wonderful things. The baby seems to be moving more and more each day. I'm now 28 week almost 29 weeks and I'm now starting to have the "uncomfortable" pains that my doctor says is "normal"!!!! I'm sure it just gets worse as the end of the pregnancy nears. Jerome, Harley and I are going up north for Halloween weekend to his Dad's. We haven't seen most of his family in a long time so we are both excited to spend a couple of days with them.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I finished my first class towards my masters and started my second class. It's been interesting to say the least. Taking classes online is totally different than going to a class at a university. It's a lot of reading and writing. I will have to take a leave of absence after this class because the next class will run into my due date.

My next appointment is October 22nd. I will be 28 weeks. Jerome is excited about Halloween and he picked out a freaky looking costume to wear. We will be going up to his Dad's the weekend of Halloween to participate in the haunted house that they do every year. I'm not sure what I will dress up as, I'm still thinking about that.

My first baby shower is October 25, 2008 back home, my mom and sister will be hosting it for me. I'm getting excited about it and hope to see some friends that I haven't seen in a long time.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

I've been really busy with work and school. I'm taking classes towards my MBA online. It's been different adjusting to the online environment. The class is a lot of writing and reading. They are 6 week courses and I'm in the 6th week of my first class and I will be starting the second class October 14th. That class will run until November 24th and then I will have to take 60 leave of absence because the next class will run through my due date. Work has been really busy and I hope it will slow down soon.

I've had a lot of pain in my left leg and I know it's mostly due to the fact that I sleep on my left side and the way my leg is positioned it probably cuts off the blood supply and then aggravates my leg. This is the same leg that I had surgery on 6 years ago and it's always bothered me since but I think it's worse since I've been pregnant. I've also been getting more migraine headaches, which is not fun!!

I hope to post some "belly" pictures soon, I keep forgetting to have Jerome take some pictures. He has been working for Campus Den for all the home Michigan football games and that causes him to have to work a lot more at Meijer, so needless to say he is really busy.