Mom, Lyle, Stacey, Andrew, Cade and I went to visit Joe, Kelly and their new baby girl Abigail. We drove there and it took us about 12 1/2 hours. Cade was pretty good in the car considering he really doesn't care for car rides. We had a great visit with everyone. Cade LOVED the pool. I was concerned he wouldn't like it but he did. Here are some pictures.
Sorry I haven't been able to keep up with this blog. Here are some of the pictures from Cade's 3 month old photos. He is now about 17 pounds, 27 inches long, and is trying to talk a lot. His daycare lady sold her house so we had to find another daycare to take him to, we are sad because we love Miss Debbie but we know that she will be happier down with her children in North Carolina. Jerome gets to stay home with him 2 to 3 days a week and I think that is helping him to bond with Cade. I'm working full time and for the most part back into the swing of things. Cade and I along with my sister and her son and my mom and step dad are driving to New Jersey to see Joe, Kelly and their new baby girl, Abigail Riley Hopkins. We are all very excited and can't wait to meet Abby and visit with Joe and Kelly. Cade, Andrew and Abby, will all be together so we will be taking lots of pictures. I will be posting pictures from our trip once we get back.
I'm still taking my classes towards my Masters and that is going ok, hard classes lately but I'm ok.
Sorry I haven't had a chance to get pictures posted. I've not felt well in a long time. I went to the hospital twice now by ambulance with pain attacks and found out that I have gallstones and I have to have my gallbladder out. My surgery is scheduled for March 18th. Hopefully after that surgery I will start to feel like a normal person again.
Cade is doing well and growing more and more everyday. He will be 7 weeks old on Wednesday. Here are some pictures.
The pictures from the day of his birth will be posted shortly but here are some pictures that we took today.
We went to my appointment Tuesday January 20th @ 1:00pm and I was still dilated to 1cm but was in a lot of pain. I was sent to the hospital for induction. Got to the hospital @ 2:30pm and they hooked me up to all the monitors and I was having contractions pretty close together. I labored until Wednesday January 21st around 4pm and I was only at 5cm and had been there for almost 7 hours. The doctor, Jerome and I decided the baby was in a position not suitable for labor or he weighed too much and went in for a c-section. I had to be knocked out because I was feeling too much pain when they were cutting me, even though I had an epidural. I didn't get to see Cade born or any of the stuff that happens right after delivery, that made me really sad. Jerome was there but they had to get him out quickly so he was unable to cut the cord. I was in the hospital until Saturday January 24th.
We are home now and all doing well. I'm thankful for my mom being there through my labor and also thankful for my sister, brother-in-law, Dad and Step Mom for being here after I got home to help me out. I'm still really sore from the surgery and can't do a lot right now.
I went to my appointment on Friday and the doctor said she thought I would deliver next week. I'm hoping she is right because Jerome and I would really love to meet our son. Maybe my dad and step mom will be in Michigan for the birth. They are talking about driving up so they can stay as long as they want. I can't wait to see them because they were supposed to be here for Christmas but Lisa got really sick and couldn't make the trip. Say a prayer for Jerome and I that we will get through the next week or so and the birth of our son goes well.